Saturday, September 19, 2015

Intentional Eating #2 - When Hunger and Thirst get Confused

The penultimate Intentional Eating post. Here, we try to tease out hunger verses thirst. It'll take a few guesses-and-checks to dial in listening to your body, but give it a shot.

Try drinking water if you're hungry between meals. Sometimes hunger and thirst cues get mixed, and hunger is actually thirst.

Hunger and thirst are like twins; they may seem similar at face value, but can have vastly different personalities. While Hunger calls attention to itself multiple times per day, it can keep itself occupied.

Thirst, on the other hand, is very needy. It requires near constant supervision. And when it nags, it is relentless.

From a biological standpoint, this is because we can survive weeks without eating; we can only last 1-2 days without water.
Hunger and Thirst - competitive twins that like to confuse you!

Sometimes, these two siblings get confused and competitive. Hunger comes running when Thirst is called. We eat because that's what we think our body wants. Instead, it could have done with a simple sip of water.

What can we do instead? Keep Thirst occupied. Choose water instead of juice, soda, or sweetened tea or coffee. Drinks with calories are simply empty calories - they contribute excess calories that can quickly add up for weight gain. 

Keeping that toddler in check is the best way to ensure that Hunger and Thirst don't get mixed-up again. 

Another way to think of it is like calling your body's bluff. Is your stomach claiming that it's hungry, but you don't think so because you just finished your last meal an hour ago? Call it the Boy Who Cried Wolf, or Pinocchio, or your least favorite politician - and drink some water. 

If your stomach was telling the truth after all, and you're still hungry 10 minutes after drinking water, reach for a snack. Try a small handful of almonds or walnuts (healthy fat and protein) with an apple (moderate but fast acting carbohydrate with healthy fiber). 

Kate Fossman, RDN, LD

September 19, 2015

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